Michael Xavier Boggins

Unlikely Companions

By |2025-01-27T21:57:01+00:00June 8th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Contemplative, Creative, Relationships|

My friend relayed these events many years ago, and though I’ve not remembered every detail as on the day first told, excusing a liberty or two, I believe I’ve captured the gist of it.  What transpired is largely true. A small country store stood on a road that saw fair traffic during daylight hours, but did [...]

A Likely Coincedence

By |2025-02-01T02:11:41+00:00April 26th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Contemplative, Creative, Relationships|

His wife’s choice to give high school’s flame another chance was a shocking announcement, leaving him alive but lifeless.  Post-divorce he tried, not once, but several times to find a woman who would accompany him.  With each attempt all started well and then dwindled and ended painfully.  “Bless your heart,” the women would say, “you’re so [...]

Balloon Ride

By |2024-06-11T01:14:25+00:00April 9th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Contemplative, Creative, Relationships|

My daring wife sold me on the idea, an autumn adventure as viewed from a gondola suspended by hot air balloon.  A chance to view our property, and those properties surrounding ours from the best possible vantage point imaginable, and after the flight, a gourmet dinner by campfire.  It will be a day we won’t forget [...]

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