Tonight we travel to a rugged cliff and look down onto a white capped roaring ocean.  When we’ve finished admiring the turbulents below, we will walk a narrow trail down to the rocky shore. The spray and sand will burn our faces and the salt air will bring back memories of days spent at the shore in years past.  The reflection of the setting sun shimmers off the surface of the sea and we squint so we can see the pathway.  At the end of our decent, we decide to walk on the packed sand where the water rushes to land and our feet grow cold.  A bonfire greets us a thousand feet from where our walk began and we tear off our shoes and socks and prop our dogs close to the flames to warm them.  A concierge from the inn above will yell that our meal and room is ready.  We’ll wave and wrap a blanket around our shoulders and won’t be in a hurry to leave our warm perch.  When we finally head to our night’s refuge there will be just enough light to make our way.