I believe we were eleven or twelve when friend and his neighbor, another boy of similar age, conceived a practical joke which still brings smile.  The “Candid Camera” type plot was simple, obtain spare garage door opener and wait for older brother to return home.

Our perch was ideal.  We were situated across street behind living room’s large picture window.  Prior to victim’s arrival, we tested signal strength and found it ample.  Suddenly our prey was in sight.  Brother pulled into drive as he had done many times, slowing as he neared door.  He reached for opener and pressed button and predictably door rose steadily.  Trusting it would behave as it always did, he allowed vehicle to inch forward, when abruptly (thanks to us), the door reversed course and began to close.  Break lights quickly illuminated and he waited for door to finish its movement.

Again, he actuated opener by pressing same button, undoubtedly thinking this was rare glitch.  Door left floor and moved upward, though this time he didn’t roll forward having lost trust in familiar automation.  We waited until door had completely opened.  Just as he released breaks, we pointed opener and put door back in downward motion, threatening to close on car’s hood.  Break lights brightened followed rapidly by white, indicating he was backing up to avoid door’s impact.

By this point we were laughing so loudly we were afraid we could be heard by the target of our prank and forced ourselves to focus.

My friend had stopped the door three feet above cement surface and driver was out of car walking toward garage thinking he might better understand the phenomenon by examining on foot.  When he arrived at door, he carefully knelt and peered underneath trying to glean glimpse of opener.  As you might guess, my friend pressed button just as the poor man began his diagnosis causing him to further drop and roll safely away.  Apparently, coming to conclusion opener required exorcism, he stood, threw up his hands, turned off motor, and broached household through front entrance.

As most of you probably know, openers are equipped with safety features which won’t let door close if impact is detected, but in retrospect, to avoid injury, I would strongly advise no one follow in our footsteps—we were kids and didn’t always use good judgement.

Later that evening, when boiling blood had cooled, younger brother confessed to older brother and thankfully all laughed heartily.